When you sick so sad you cry, and in crying cry a whole leopard from your eye. (Sad mammal) If you angry so mad ye tongue burst and mouth juice run gall bladder bitter. When you sick so sad you place your face in the puddle of a lay-by waiting for lorry to splash it.
And when you are inside the infinite misery jumper pulling it over and over your head with no hope of ending because it's replicating at the waistband and you never get out.
Then ee welcome. Oh then ee arth welcome in Blue Jam.
This site is dedicated to CHRIS MORRIS! Britains leading satirist and comedian, a man who's career has been so controvesial, known to some as THAT SICK BASTARD, by others as "THE SMARTEST GUY EVER" and some as "THAT FUNNY GUY ON TELLLY"
There is a DVD of Chris Morris' jam out now.
It is a 2 disc set
Disc 1
Jam 1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Exhitibtion feature
Rehearsal Footage
Weird effects over each episode
Easter Eggs
Disc 2
Jaaaaam 1,2,3,4,5 & 6
This site it still under construction and the episode guides etc. are plundered from Cook'd and Bomb'd! Untill I can get round to writing them myself!